Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

At Journey Psychology in Sherwood Park, we specialize in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a progressive mindfulness-based therapy that aids individuals in embracing their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling guilty for them. This approach encourages the commitment to behaviours that align with personal values, thus enhancing life quality.

Holding hands wedding ring

Understanding Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT stands as a unique form of psychotherapy that integrates acceptance and mindfulness strategies alongside commitment and behaviour change processes. It is designed to foster psychological flexibility, which means coming to terms with what life brings and moving towards what matters most in life.

How Does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Enhance Mental Health?

The core of ACT involves six key processes that contribute to its effectiveness:


Embracing thoughts and feelings without trying to change them, allowing individuals to experience them fully.

Cognitive Defusion

Altering the impact of thoughts by changing the way individuals relate to them, reducing their influence over behavior.

Contact with the Present Moment

Maintaining mindfulness and awareness of the current experience, rather than being caught up in past or future concerns.

Self as Context

Understanding the self as a constant perspective from which experiences are observed, rather than being defined by thoughts or feelings.


Identifying and committing to personal values, which guide meaningful actions and life choices.

Committed Action

Taking effective action guided by values, even in the face of obstacles, to create a fulfilling life.

Through these processes, ACT provides a path to a more adaptive and fulfilling life by teaching clients how to deal with painful thoughts and feelings effectively so that they have less impact and influence over their lives.

How Does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Work?

With the help of a therapist, individuals are encouraged to accept their thoughts and emotions as normal and valid experiences. It teaches clients to detach themselves from negative thoughts and feelings, allowing them to focus on the present moment and take actions that align with their values. By practicing mindfulness techniques, individuals can gain a greater sense of self-awareness and make choices that lead to a more fulfilling life. 

Who Benefits from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

ACT is exceptionally versatile, making it suitable for anyone looking to increase their mental resilience and well-being. It is particularly effective for those dealing with:

Anxiety Disorders

ACT helps individuals with anxiety by teaching them to accept their anxious thoughts and feelings rather than trying to avoid or suppress them. This acceptance reduces the impact of anxiety on their lives and promotes engagement in meaningful activities despite their anxiety.


ACT assists those with depression by encouraging them to connect with their core values and commit to actions that align with those values. This focus helps individuals build a life of purpose and meaning, which can counteract the effects of depression.

Chronic Pain

In dealing with chronic pain, ACT emphasizes accepting the pain rather than fighting against it. This approach helps individuals focus on living a fulfilling life despite the pain, rather than being dominated by it.


For PTSD, ACT helps by allowing individuals to face and accept their traumatic memories and associated emotions. By doing so, they can reduce the control these memories have over their lives and foster psychological flexibility.

Substance Use Disorders

ACT supports those struggling with substance use by promoting acceptance of cravings and emotions. It encourages individuals to engage in valued behaviors and find alternative ways to cope, which helps in reducing substance dependence.

Eating Disorders

ACT aids in managing eating disorders by helping individuals accept and understand their thoughts and feelings about food and body image. This acceptance allows them to shift focus towards living according to their values rather than being driven by disordered eating patterns

Stress Management

ACT helps with stress management by teaching mindfulness and acceptance techniques. This approach enables individuals to observe their stress without judgment and focus on taking actions that align with their values, thereby reducing the overall impact of stress.

Ready to take the first step towards a more engaged and purposeful life? Book your session with us today and discover how ACT can help you live in alignment with your values and aspirations.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Contact us today for complimentary 15 minute consultation to discuss your needs and how we can help.